(libtool14.info.gz) Cheap tricks
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13.5 Cheap tricks
Here are a few tricks that you can use in order to make maintainership
* When people report bugs, ask them to use the `--config',
`--debug', or `--features' flags, if you think they will help you.
These flags are there to help you get information directly, rather
than having to trust second-hand observation.
* Rather than reconfiguring libtool every time I make a change to
`ltmain.in', I keep a permanent `libtool' script in my PATH, which
sources `ltmain.in' directly.
The following steps describe how to create such a script, where
`/home/src/libtool' is the directory containing the libtool source
tree, `/home/src/libtool/libtool' is a libtool script that has been
configured for your platform, and `~/bin' is a directory in your
trick$ cd ~/bin
trick$ sed '/^# ltmain\.sh/q' /home/src/libtool/libtool > libtool
trick$ echo '. /home/src/libtool/ltmain.in' >> libtool
trick$ chmod +x libtool
trick$ libtool --version
The output of the final `libtool --version' command shows that the
`ltmain.in' script is being used directly. Now, modify `~/bin/libtool'
or `/home/src/libtool/ltmain.in' directly in order to test new changes
without having to rerun `configure'.
Info Catalog
(libtool14.info.gz) libtool script contents
(libtool14.info.gz) Maintaining
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