( Backup files

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 Backup Files
    As of version 1.3, GNU `indent' makes GNU-style backup files, the
 same way GNU Emacs does.  This means that either "simple" or "numbered"
 backup filenames may be made.
    Simple backup file names are generated by appending a suffix to the
 original file name.  The default for this suffix is the one-character
 string `~' (tilde).  Thus, the backup file for `python.c' would be
    Instead of the default, you may specify any string as a suffix by
 setting the environment variable `SIMPLE_BACKUP_SUFFIX' to your
 preferred suffix.
    Numbered backup versions of a file `momeraths.c' look like
 `momeraths.c.~23~', where 23 is the version of this particular backup.
 When making a numbered backup of the file `src/momeraths.c', the backup
 file will be named `src/momeraths.c.~V~', where V is one greater than
 the highest version currently existing in the directory `src'.  The
 environment variable `VERSION_WIDTH' controls the number of digits,
 using left zero padding when necessary.  For instance, setting this
 variable to "2" will lead to the backup file being named
    The type of backup file made is controlled by the value of the
 environment variable `VERSION_CONTROL'.  If it is the string `simple',
 then only simple backups will be made.  If its value is the string
 `numbered', then numbered backups will be made.  If its value is
 `numbered-existing', then numbered backups will be made if there
 _already exist_ numbered backups for the file being indented;
 otherwise, a simple backup is made.  If `VERSION_CONTROL' is not set,
 then `indent' assumes the behaviour of `numbered-existing'.
    Other versions of `indent' use the suffix `.BAK' in naming backup
 files.  This behaviour can be emulated by setting
    Note also that other versions of `indent' make backups in the
 current directory, rather than in the directory of the source file as
 GNU `indent' now does.
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