( Writing

Info Catalog ( Reading ( Input and Output ( Closing
 27.3 Writing
 [Generic procedures for writing to ports.]
  -- Scheme Procedure: get-print-state port
  -- C Function: scm_get_print_state (port)
      Return the print state of the port PORT. If PORT has no associated
      print state, `#f' is returned.
  -- Scheme Procedure: display obj [port]
      Send a representation of OBJ to CURRENT-OUTPUT-PORT.  Optional
      second arg PORT specifies an alternative output port.  The
      representation is similar to that produced by `write' (REFFIXME),
      the differences being strings are not quoted (and their characters
      are not escaped), and characters are rendered as if with
  -- Scheme Procedure: newline [port]
  -- C Function: scm_newline (port)
      Send a newline to PORT.  If PORT is omitted, send to the current
      output port.
  -- Scheme Procedure: port-with-print-state port pstate
  -- C Function: scm_port_with_print_state (port, pstate)
      Create a new port which behaves like PORT, but with an included
      print state PSTATE.
  -- Scheme Procedure: print-options-interface [setting]
  -- C Function: scm_print_options (setting)
      Option interface for the print options. Instead of using this
      procedure directly, use the procedures `print-enable',
      `print-disable', `print-set!' and `print-options'.
  -- Scheme Procedure: simple-format destination message . args
  -- C Function: scm_simple_format (destination, message, args)
      Write MESSAGE to DESTINATION, defaulting to the current output
      port.  MESSAGE can contain `~A' (was `%s') and `~S' (was `%S')
      escapes.  When printed, the escapes are replaced with
      corresponding members of ARGS: `~A' formats using `display' and
      `~S' formats using `write'.  If DESTINATION is `#t', then use the
      current output port, if DESTINATION is `#f', then return a string
      containing the formatted text. Does not add a trailing newline.
  -- Scheme Procedure: write-char chr [port]
  -- C Function: scm_write_char (chr, port)
      Send character CHR to PORT.
  -- Scheme Procedure: force-output [port]
  -- C Function: scm_force_output (port)
      Flush the specified output port, or the current output port if PORT
      is omitted.  The current output buffer contents are passed to the
      underlying port implementation (e.g., in the case of fports, the
      data will be written to the file and the output buffer will be
      cleared.)  It has no effect on an unbuffered port.
      The return value is unspecified.
  -- Scheme Procedure: flush-all-ports
  -- C Function: scm_flush_all_ports ()
      Equivalent to calling `force-output' on all open output ports.
      The return value is unspecified.
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