( Scripting Examples

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 5.2.2 Scripting Examples
 To start with, here are some examples of invoking Guile directly:
 `guile -- a b c'
      Run Guile interactively; `(command-line)' will return
      `("/usr/local/bin/guile" "a" "b" "c")'.
 `guile -s /u/jimb/ex2 a b c'
      Load the file `/u/jimb/ex2'; `(command-line)' will return
      `("/u/jimb/ex2" "a" "b" "c")'.
 `guile -c '(write %load-path) (newline)''
      Write the value of the variable `%load-path', print a newline, and
 `guile -e main -s /u/jimb/ex4 foo'
      Load the file `/u/jimb/ex4', and then call the function `main',
      passing it the list `("/u/jimb/ex4" "foo")'.
 `guile -l first -ds -l last -s script'
      Load the files `first', `script', and `last', in that order.  The
      `-ds' switch says when to process the `-s' switch.  For a more
      motivated example, see the scripts below.
    Here is a very simple Guile script:
      #!/usr/local/bin/guile -s
      (display "Hello, world!")
    The first line marks the file as a Guile script.  When the user
 invokes it, the system runs `/usr/local/bin/guile' to interpret the
 script, passing `-s', the script's filename, and any arguments given to
 the script as command-line arguments.  When Guile sees `-s SCRIPT', it
 loads SCRIPT.  Thus, running this program produces the output:
      Hello, world!
    Here is a script which prints the factorial of its argument:
      #!/usr/local/bin/guile -s
      (define (fact n)
        (if (zero? n) 1
          (* n (fact (- n 1)))))
      (display (fact (string->number (cadr (command-line)))))
    In action:
      $ fact 5
    However, suppose we want to use the definition of `fact' in this
 file from another script.  We can't simply `load' the script file, and
 then use `fact''s definition, because the script will try to compute
 and display a factorial when we load it.  To avoid this problem, we
 might write the script this way:
      #!/usr/local/bin/guile \
      -e main -s
      (define (fact n)
        (if (zero? n) 1
          (* n (fact (- n 1)))))
      (define (main args)
        (display (fact (string->number (cadr args))))
    This version packages the actions the script should perform in a
 function, `main'.  This allows us to load the file purely for its
 definitions, without any extraneous computation taking place.  Then we
 used the meta switch `\' and the entry point switch `-e' to tell Guile
 to call `main' after loading the script.
      $ fact 50
    Suppose that we now want to write a script which computes the
 `choose' function: given a set of M distinct objects, `(choose N M)' is
 the number of distinct subsets containing N objects each.  It's easy to
 write `choose' given `fact', so we might write the script this way:
      #!/usr/local/bin/guile \
      -l fact -e main -s
      (define (choose n m)
        (/ (fact m) (* (fact (- m n)) (fact n))))
      (define (main args)
        (let ((n (string->number (cadr args)))
              (m (string->number (caddr args))))
          (display (choose n m))
    The command-line arguments here tell Guile to first load the file
 `fact', and then run the script, with `main' as the entry point.  In
 other words, the `choose' script can use definitions made in the `fact'
 script.  Here are some sample runs:
      $ choose 0 4
      $ choose 1 4
      $ choose 2 4
      $ choose 3 4
      $ choose 4 4
      $ choose 50 100
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