( SRFI-1 Selectors

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 39.3.3 Selectors
  -- Scheme Procedure: first pair
  -- Scheme Procedure: second pair
  -- Scheme Procedure: third pair
  -- Scheme Procedure: fourth pair
  -- Scheme Procedure: fifth pair
  -- Scheme Procedure: sixth pair
  -- Scheme Procedure: seventh pair
  -- Scheme Procedure: eighth pair
  -- Scheme Procedure: ninth pair
  -- Scheme Procedure: tenth pair
      These are synonyms for `car', `cadr', `caddr', ....
  -- Scheme Procedure: car+cdr pair
      Return two values, the CAR and the CDR of PAIR.
  -- Scheme Procedure: take lst i
  -- Scheme Procedure: take! lst i
      Return a list containing the first I elements of LST.
      `take!' may modify the structure of the argument list LST in order
      to produce the result.
  -- Scheme Procedure: drop lst i
      Return a list containing all but the first I elements of LST.
  -- Scheme Procedure: take-right lst i
      Return the a list containing the I last elements of LST.
  -- Scheme Procedure: drop-right lst i
  -- Scheme Procedure: drop-right! lst i
      Return the a list containing all but the I last elements of LST.
      `drop-right!' may modify the structure of the argument list LST in
      order to produce the result.
  -- Scheme Procedure: split-at lst i
  -- Scheme Procedure: split-at! lst i
      Return two values, a list containing the first I elements of the
      list LST and a list containing the remaining elements.
      `split-at!' may modify the structure of the argument list LST in
      order to produce the result.
  -- Scheme Procedure: last lst
      Return the last element of the non-empty, finite list LST.
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