( SRFI-0

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 39.2 SRFI-0 - cond-expand
 SRFI-0 defines a means for checking whether a Scheme implementation has
 support for a specified feature.  The syntactic form `cond-expand',
 which implements this means, has the following syntax.
        --> (cond-expand <cond-expand-clause>+)
          | (cond-expand <cond-expand-clause>* (else <command-or-definition>))
        --> (<feature-requirement> <command-or-definition>*)
        --> <feature-identifier>
          | (and <feature-requirement>*)
          | (or <feature-requirement>*)
          | (not <feature-requirement>)
        --> <a symbol which is the name or alias of a SRFI>
    When evaluated, this form checks all clauses in order, until it finds
 one whose feature requirement is satisfied.  Then the form expands into
 the commands or definitions in the clause.  A requirement is tested as
    * If it is a symbol, it is satisfied if the feature identifier is
    * If it is an `and' form, all requirements must be satisfied.  If no
      requirements are given, it is satisfied, too.
    * If it is an `or' form, at least one of the requirements must be
      satisfied.  If no requirements are given, it is not satisfied.
    * If it is a `not' form, the feature requirement must _not_ be
    * If the feature requirement is the keyword `else' and it is the last
      clause, it is satisfied if no prior clause matched.
    If no clause is satisfied, an error is signalled.
    Since `cond-expand' is needed to tell what a Scheme implementation
 provides, it must be accessible without using any
 implementation-dependent operations, such as `use-modules' in Guile.
 Thus, it is not necessary to use any module to get access to this form.
    Currently, the feature identifiers `guile', `r5rs', `srfi-0' and
 `srfi-6' are supported.  The other SRFIs are not in that list by
 default, because the SRFI modules must be explicitly used before their
 exported bindings can be used.
    So if a Scheme program wishes to use SRFI-8, it has two
 possibilities: First, it can check whether the running Scheme
 implementation is Guile, and if it is, it can use the appropriate
          (use-modules (srfi srfi-8)))
        ;; otherwise fail.
    The other possibility is to use the `--use-srfi' command line option
 when invoking Guile ( Invoking Guile).  When you do that, the
 specified SRFI support modules will be loaded and add their feature
 identifier to the list of symbols checked by `cond-expand'.
    So, if you invoke Guile like this:
      $ guile --use-srfi=8
    the following snippet will expand to `'hooray'.
      (cond-expand (srfi-8 'hooray))
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