( Reporting Bugs

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 7 Reporting Bugs
 Any problems with the installation should be reported to
    Whenever you have found a bug in Guile you are encouraged to report
 it to the Guile developers, so they can fix it.  They may also be able
 to suggest workarounds when it is not possible for you to apply the
 bug-fix or install a new version of Guile yourself.
    Before sending in bug reports, please check with the following list
 that you really have found a bug.
    * Whenever documentation and actual behavior differ, you have
      certainly found a bug, either in the documentation or in the
    * When Guile crashes, it is a bug.
    * When Guile hangs or takes forever to complete a task, it is a bug.
    * When calculations produce wrong results, it is a bug.
    * When Guile signals an error for valid Scheme programs, it is a bug.
    * When Guile does not signal an error for invalid Scheme programs,
      it may be a bug, unless this is explicitly documented.
    * When some part of the documentation is not clear and does not make
      sense to you even after re-reading the section, it is a bug.
    When you write a bug report, please make sure to include as much of
 the information described below in the report.  If you can't figure out
 some of the items, it is not a problem, but the more information we
 get, the more likely we can diagnose and fix the bug.
    * The version number of Guile.  Without this, we won't know whether
      there is any point in looking for the bug in the current version
      of Guile.
      You can get the version number by invoking the command
           $ guile --version
           Guile 1.4.1
           Copyright (c) 1995, 1996, 1997, 2000 Free Software Foundation
           Guile may be distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License;
           certain other uses are permitted as well.  For details, see the file
           `COPYING', which is included in the Guile distribution.
           There is no warranty, to the extent permitted by law.
    * The type of machine you are using, and the operating system name
      and version number.  On GNU systems, you can get it with `uname'.
           $ uname -a
           Linux tortoise 2.2.17 #1 Thu Dec 21 17:29:05 CET 2000 i586 unknown
    * The operands given to the `configure' command when Guile was
      installed.  It's often useful to augment this with the output of
      the command `guile-config info'.
    * A complete list of any modifications you have made to the Guile
      source.  (We may not have time to investigate the bug unless it
      happens in an unmodified Guile.  But if you've made modifications
      and you don't tell us, you are sending us on a wild goose chase.)
      Be precise about these changes.  A description in English is not
      enough--send a context diff for them.
      Adding files of your own, or porting to another machine, is a
      modification of the source.
    * Details of any other deviations from the standard procedure for
      installing Guile.
    * The complete text of any source files needed to reproduce the bug.
      If you can tell us a way to cause the problem without loading any
      source files, please do so.  This makes it much easier to debug.
      If you do need files, make sure you arrange for us to see their
      exact contents.
    * The precise Guile invocation command line we need to type to
      reproduce the bug.
    * A description of what behavior you observe that you believe is
      incorrect.  For example, "The Guile process gets a fatal signal,"
      or, "The resulting output is as follows, which I think is wrong."
      Of course, if the bug is that Guile gets a fatal signal, then one
      can't miss it.  But if the bug is incorrect results, the
      maintainer might fail to notice what is wrong.  Why leave it to
      If the manifestation of the bug is a Guile error message, it is
      important to report the precise text of the error message, and a
      backtrace showing how the Scheme program arrived at the error.
      This can be done using the procedure `backtrace' in the REPL.
    * Check whether any programs you have loaded into Guile, including
      your `.guile' file, set any variables that may affect the
      functioning of Guile.  Also, see whether the problem happens in a
      freshly started Guile without loading your `.guile' file (start
      Guile with the `-q' switch to prevent loading the init file).  If
      the problem does _not_ occur then, you must report the precise
      contents of any programs that you must load into Guile in order to
      cause the problem to occur.
    * If the problem does depend on an init file or other Scheme
      programs that are not part of the standard Guile distribution,
      then you should make sure it is not a bug in those programs by
      complaining to their maintainers first.  After they verify that
      they are using Guile in a way that is supposed to work, they
      should report the bug.
    * If you wish to mention something in the Guile source, show the
      line of code with a few lines of context.  Don't just give a line
      The line numbers in the development sources might not match those
      in your sources.  It would take extra work for the maintainers to
      determine what code is in your version at a given line number, and
      we could not be certain.
    * Additional information from a C debugger such as GDB might enable
      someone to find a problem on a machine which he does not have
      available.  If you don't know how to use GDB, please read the GDB
      manual--it is not very long, and using GDB is easy.  You can find
      the GDB distribution, including the GDB manual in online form, in
      most of the same places you can find the Guile distribution.  To
      run Guile under GDB, you should switch to the `libguile'
      subdirectory in which Guile was compiled, then do `gdb guile' or
      `gdb .libs/guile' (if using GNU Libtool).
      However, you need to think when you collect the additional
      information if you want it to show what causes the bug.
      For example, many people send just a backtrace, but that is not
      very useful by itself.  A simple backtrace with arguments often
      conveys little about what is happening inside Guile, because most
      of the arguments listed in the backtrace are pointers to Scheme
      objects.  The numeric values of these pointers have no
      significance whatever; all that matters is the contents of the
      objects they point to (and most of the contents are themselves
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