( Removing Alist Entries

Info Catalog ( Retrieving Alist Entries ( Association Lists ( Sloppy Alist Functions Removing Alist Entries
 To remove the element from an association list whose key matches a
 specified key, use `assq-remove!', `assv-remove!' or `assoc-remove!'
 (depending, as usual, on the level of equality required between the key
 that you specify and the keys in the association list).
    As with `assq-set!' and friends, the specified alist may or may not
 be modified destructively, and the only safe way to update a variable
 containing the alist is to `set!' it to the value that `assq-remove!'
 and friends return.
      (("bob" . "11 Newington Avenue") ("mary" . "34 Elm Road")
       ("james" . "1a London Road"))
      (set! address-list (assoc-remove! address-list "mary"))
      (("bob" . "11 Newington Avenue") ("james" . "1a London Road"))
    Note that, when `assq/v/oc-remove!' is used to modify an association
 list that has been constructed only using the corresponding
 `assq/v/oc-set!', there can be at most one matching entry in the alist,
 so the question of multiple entries being removed in one go does not
 arise.  If `assq/v/oc-remove!' is applied to an association list that
 has been constructed using `acons', or an `assq/v/oc-set!' with a
 different level of equality, or any mixture of these, it removes only
 the first matching entry from the alist, even if the alist might
 contain further matching entries.  For example:
      (define address-list '())
      (set! address-list (assq-set! address-list "mary" "11 Elm Street"))
      (set! address-list (assq-set! address-list "mary" "57 Pine Drive"))
      (("mary" . "57 Pine Drive") ("mary" . "11 Elm Street"))
      (set! address-list (assoc-remove! address-list "mary"))
      (("mary" . "11 Elm Street"))
    In this example, the two instances of the string "mary" are not the
 same when compared using `eq?', so the two `assq-set!' calls add two
 distinct entries to `address-list'.  When compared using `equal?', both
 "mary"s in `address-list' are the same as the "mary" in the
 `assoc-remove!' call, but `assoc-remove!' stops after removing the
 first matching entry that it finds, and so one of the "mary" entries is
 left in place.
  -- Scheme Procedure: assq-remove! alist key
  -- Scheme Procedure: assv-remove! alist key
  -- Scheme Procedure: assoc-remove! alist key
  -- C Function: scm_assq_remove_x (alist, key)
  -- C Function: scm_assv_remove_x (alist, key)
  -- C Function: scm_assoc_remove_x (alist, key)
      Delete the first entry in ALIST associated with KEY, and return
      the resulting alist.
Info Catalog ( Retrieving Alist Entries ( Association Lists ( Sloppy Alist Functions
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