( Loading

Info Catalog ( Fly Evaluation ( Read/Load/Eval ( Delayed Evaluation
 28.4 Loading Scheme Code from File
  -- Scheme Procedure: load filename
      Load FILENAME and evaluate its contents in the top-level
      environment.  The load paths are not searched.  If the variable
      `%load-hook' is defined, it should be bound to a procedure that
      will be called before any code is loaded.  See documentation for
      `%load-hook' later in this section.
  -- Scheme Procedure: load-from-path filename
      Similar to `load', but searches for FILENAME in the load paths.
  -- Scheme Procedure: primitive-load filename
  -- C Function: scm_primitive_load (filename)
      Load the file named FILENAME and evaluate its contents in the
      top-level environment. The load paths are not searched; FILENAME
      must either be a full pathname or be a pathname relative to the
      current directory.  If the  variable `%load-hook' is defined, it
      should be bound to a procedure that will be called before any code
      is loaded.  See the documentation for `%load-hook' later in this
  -- Scheme Procedure: primitive-load-path filename
  -- C Function: scm_primitive_load_path (filename)
      Search %LOAD-PATH for the file named FILENAME and load it into the
      top-level environment.  If FILENAME is a relative pathname and is
      not found in the list of search paths, an error is signalled.
  -- Scheme Procedure: %search-load-path filename
  -- C Function: scm_sys_search_load_path (filename)
      Search %LOAD-PATH for the file named FILENAME, which must be
      readable by the current user.  If FILENAME is found in the list of
      paths to search or is an absolute pathname, return its full
      pathname.  Otherwise, return `#f'.  Filenames may have any of the
      optional extensions in the `%load-extensions' list;
      `%search-load-path' will try each extension automatically.
  -- Variable: %load-hook
      A procedure to be run whenever `primitive-load' is called.  If this
      procedure is defined, it will be called with the filename argument
      that was passed to `primitive-load'.
           (define %load-hook (lambda (file)
                                (display "Loading ")
                                (display file)
                                (write-line "...."))) => undefined
           (load-from-path "foo.scm")
           -| Loading /usr/local/share/guile/site/foo.scm....
  -- Scheme Procedure: current-load-port
  -- C Function: scm_current_load_port ()
      Return the current-load-port.  The load port is used internally by
  -- Variable: %load-extensions
      A list of default file extensions for files containing Scheme code.
      `%search-load-path' tries each of these extensions when looking for
      a file to load.  By default, `%load-extensions' is bound to the
      list `("" ".scm")'.
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