( Describing a New Type

Info Catalog ( Defining New Types (Smobs) ( Creating Instances
 18.3.1 Describing a New Type
 To define a new type, the programmer must write four functions to
 manage instances of the type:
      Guile will apply this function to each instance of the new type it
      encounters during garbage collection.  This function is
      responsible for telling the collector about any other
      non-immediate objects the object refers to.  The default smob mark
      function is to not mark any data.   Garbage Collecting
      Smobs, for more details.
      Guile will apply this function to each instance of the new type it
      could not find any live pointers to.  The function should release
      all resources held by the object and return the number of bytes
      released.  This is analogous to the Java finalization method- it
      is invoked at an unspecified time (when garbage collection occurs)
      after the object is dead.  The default free function frees the
      smob data (if the size of the struct passed to
      `scm_make_smob_type' is non-zero) using `scm_must_free' and
      returns the size of that struct.   Garbage Collecting
      Smobs, for more details.
      Guile will apply this function to each instance of the new type to
      print the value, as for `display' or `write'.  The function should
      write a printed representation of EXP on PORT, in accordance with
      the parameters in PSTATE.  (For more information on print states,
      see  Port Data.)  The default print function prints `#<NAME
      ADDRESS>' where `NAME' is the first argument passed to
      If Scheme code asks the `equal?' function to compare two instances
      of the same smob type, Guile calls this function.  It should return
      `SCM_BOOL_T' if A and B should be considered `equal?', or
      `SCM_BOOL_F' otherwise.  If `equalp' is `NULL', `equal?' will
      assume that two instances of this type are never `equal?' unless
      they are `eq?'.
    To actually register the new smob type, call `scm_make_smob_type':
  -- Function: scm_t_bits scm_make_smob_type (const char *name, size_t
      This function implements the standard way of adding a new smob
      type, named NAME, with instance size SIZE, to the system.  The
      return value is a tag that is used in creating instances of the
      type.  If SIZE is 0, then no memory will be allocated when
      instances of the smob are created, and nothing will be freed by
      the default free function.  Default values are provided for mark,
      free, print, and, equalp, as described above.  If you want to
      customize any of these functions, the call to `scm_make_smob_type'
      should be immediately followed by calls to one or several of
      `scm_set_smob_mark', `scm_set_smob_free', `scm_set_smob_print',
      and/or `scm_set_smob_equalp'.
    Each of the below `scm_set_smob_XXX' functions registers a smob
 special function for a given type.  Each function is intended to be used
 only zero or one time per type, and the call should be placed
 immediately following the call to `scm_make_smob_type'.
  -- Function: void scm_set_smob_mark (scm_t_bits tc, SCM (*mark) (SCM))
      This function sets the smob marking procedure for the smob type
      specified by the tag TC. TC is the tag returned by
  -- Function: void scm_set_smob_free (scm_t_bits tc, size_t (*free)
      This function sets the smob freeing procedure for the smob type
      specified by the tag TC. TC is the tag returned by
  -- Function: void scm_set_smob_print (scm_t_bits tc, int (*print)
           (SCM, SCM, scm_print_state*))
      This function sets the smob printing procedure for the smob type
      specified by the tag TC. TC is the tag returned by
  -- Function: void scm_set_smob_equalp (scm_t_bits tc, SCM (*equalp)
           (SCM, SCM))
      This function sets the smob equality-testing predicate for the
      smob type specified by the tag TC. TC is the tag returned by
    In versions 1.4 and earlier, there was another way of creating smob
 types, using `scm_make_smob_type_mfpe'.  This function is now
 deprecated and will be removed in a future version of Guile.  You should
 use the mechanism described above for new code, and change old code not
 to use deprecated features.
    Instead of using `scm_make_smob_type' and calling each of the
 individual `scm_set_smob_XXX' functions to register each special
 function independently, you could use `scm_make_smob_type_mfpe' to
 register all of the special functions at once as you create the smob
  -- Function: long scm_make_smob_type_mfpe (const char *name, size_t
           size, SCM (*mark) (SCM), size_t (*free) (SCM), int (*print)
           (SCM, SCM, scm_print_state*), SCM (*equalp) (SCM, SCM))
      This function invokes `scm_make_smob_type' on its first two
      arguments to add a new smob type named NAME, with instance size
      SIZE to the system.  It also registers the MARK, FREE, PRINT,
      EQUALP smob special functions for that new type.  Any of these
      parameters can be `NULL' to have that special function use the
      default behavior for guile.  The return value is a tag that is
      used in creating instances of the type.  If SIZE is 0, then no
      memory will be allocated when instances of the smob are created,
      and nothing will be freed by the default free function.
    For example, here is how one might declare and register a new type
 representing eight-bit gray-scale images:
      #include <libguile.h>
      static scm_t_bits image_tag;
      init_image_type (void)
        image_tag = scm_make_smob_type ("image", sizeof (struct image));
        scm_set_smob_mark (image_tag, mark_image);
        scm_set_smob_free (image_tag, free_image);
        scm_set_smob_print (image_tag, print_image);
Info Catalog ( Defining New Types (Smobs) ( Creating Instances
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