( GtkCTree

Info Catalog ( GtkContainer ( Widgets ( GtkCurve
 The multi-column tree widget
    The GtkCTree widget is a multi-columned list with a designated
 column, the `tree column', to display hierarchically-organized data.
 Each node is either a folder (a branch of the tree) or a leaf. Nodes
 can be (recursively) expanded, collapsed, (un)selected, removed, moved,
 sorted etc.
    GtkCTree is a descendant of  GtkCList. Therefore, a cell in a
 column other than the tree column can only contain a string, a pixmap,
 both or nothing. A node in the tree column can contain a string and up
 to two pixmaps and masks, indicating the "folder openend" and "folder
 closed" status.
    Compared to GtkCList, there is no concept of row numbers. Therefore,
 a number of GtkCList methods had to be re-implemented taking `GList
 *node' arguments instead of `gint row'.
  - Signal: void GtkCTree::tree_expand (GtkCTree *CTREE, GList *NODE)
  - Signal: void GtkCTree::tree_collapse (GtkCTree *CTREE, GList *NODE)
  - Signal: void GtkCTree::tree_move (GtkCTree *CTREE, GList *NODE,
           GList *NEW_PARENT, GList *NEW_SIBLING)
  - Signal: void GtkCTree::tree_select_row (GtkCTree *CTREE, GList *ROW,
           gint COLUMN)
  - Signal: void GtkCTree::tree_unselect_row (GtkCTree *CTREE, GList
           *ROW, gint COLUMN)
  - Function: GtkType gtk_ctree_get_type (void)
      Returns the `GtkCTree' type identifier.
  - Function: GtkWidget* gtk_ctree_new (gint COLUMNS, gint TREE_COLUMN)
      Creates a new GtkCTree widget with the given number of columns and
      the given tree column.
      On success, a pointer to the newly created widget is returned, and
      `NULL' otherwise.
  - Function: GtkWidget* gtk_ctree_new_with_titles (gint COLUMNS, gint
           TREE_COLUMN, gchar *TITLES[])
      Creates a new GtkCTree widget with the given number of columns and
      the given tree column. The column titles are initialized to the
      strings of the array TITLES.
      On success, a pointer to the newly created widget is returned, and
      `NULL' otherwise.
  - Function: GList* gtk_ctree_insert (GtkCTree *CTREE, GList *PARENT,
           GList *SIBLING, gchar *TEXT[], guint8 SPACING, GdkPixmap
           *PIXMAP_CLOSED, GdkPixmap *MASK_CLOSED, GdkPixmap
           *PIXMAP_OPENED, GdkPixmap *MASK_OPENED, gboolean IS_LEAF,
           gboolean EXPANDED)
      Inserts a new node at the given position. If PARENT == NULL, the
      node is inserted at root level. If SIBLING == NULL, the node is
      appended to the existing list of siblings. Otherwise, the node is
      inserted before SIBLING.  If not NULL, the two pixmaps/masks are
      used to indicate the opened/closed status of the node. SPACING is
      the number of pixels between pixmap and text.  If IS_LEAF == TRUE,
      the node cannot have any children.  The initial expanded/collapsed
      status is given by EXPANDED.
      On success, the pointer to the newly inserted node is returned,
      and NULL otherwise.
  - Function: void gtk_ctree_remove (GtkCTree *CTREE, GList *NODE)
      Removes the given node and all its children.
  - Function: void gtk_ctree_clear (GtkCTree *CTREE)
      Removes all nodes of CTREE.
  - Function: void gtk_ctree_post_recursive (GtkCTree *CTREE, GList
           *NODE, GtkCTreeFunc FUNC, gpointer DATA)
      Apply FUNC to NODE and all its children, traversing CTREE in
  - Function: void gtk_ctree_pre_recursive (GtkCTree *CTREE, GList
           *NODE, GtkCTreeFunc FUNC, gpointer DATA)
      Apply FUNC to NODE and all its children, traversing CTREE in
  - Function: gboolean gtk_ctree_is_visible (GtkCTree *CTREE, GList
      Returns the visibility status of the given node. A node is said to
      be visible if in the chain of parent nodes every node is expanded.
      Or : the node is currently being displayed (but not necessarily
      inside the viewing area).
  - Function: GtkCTree* GTK_CTREE (gpointer OBJ)
      Cast a generic pointer to `GtkCTree*'.  Standard Macros, for
      more info.
  - Function: GtkCTreeClass* GTK_CTREE_CLASS (gpointer CLASS)
      Cast a generic pointer to `GtkCTreeClass*'.  Standard
      Macros, for more info.
  - Function: gint GTK_IS_CTREE (gpointer OBJ)
      Determine if a generic pointer refers to a `GtkCTree' object.
       Standard Macros, for more info.
Info Catalog ( GtkContainer ( Widgets ( GtkCurve
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