( Slots

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  - procedure: class-slot-definition class slot-name
      Return the slot definition for the slot named SLOT-NAME in class
      CLASS.  SLOT-NAME should be a symbol.
  - procedure: slot-definition-name slot-def
      Extract and return the slot name from SLOT-DEF.
  - procedure: slot-definition-options slot-def
      Extract and return the slot options from SLOT-DEF.
  - procedure: slot-definition-allocation slot-def
      Extract and return the slot allocation option from SLOT-DEF.  This
      is the value of the `#:allocation' keyword ( allocation Slot
      Options.), or `#:instance' if the `#:allocation' keyword is absent.
  - procedure: slot-definition-getter slot-def
      Extract and return the slot getter option from SLOT-DEF.  This is
      the value of the `#:getter' keyword ( getter Slot Options.),
      or `#f' if the `#:getter' keyword is absent.
  - procedure: slot-definition-setter slot-def
      Extract and return the slot setter option from SLOT-DEF.  This is
      the value of the `#:setter' keyword ( setter Slot Options.),
      or `#f' if the `#:setter' keyword is absent.
  - procedure: slot-definition-accessor slot-def
      Extract and return the slot accessor option from SLOT-DEF.  This
      is the value of the `#:accessor' keyword ( accessor Slot
      Options.), or `#f' if the `#:accessor' keyword is absent.
  - procedure: slot-definition-init-value slot-def
      Extract and return the slot init-value option from SLOT-DEF.  This
      is the value of the `#:init-value' keyword ( init-value Slot
      Options.), or the unbound value if the `#:init-value' keyword is
  - procedure: slot-definition-init-form slot-def
      Extract and return the slot init-form option from SLOT-DEF.  This
      is the value of the `#:init-form' keyword ( init-form Slot
      Options.), or the unbound value if the `#:init-form' keyword is
  - procedure: slot-definition-init-thunk slot-def
      Extract and return the slot init-thunk option from SLOT-DEF.  This
      is the value of the `#:init-thunk' keyword ( init-thunk Slot
      Options.), or `#f' if the `#:init-thunk' keyword is absent.
  - procedure: slot-definition-init-keyword slot-def
      Extract and return the slot init-keyword option from SLOT-DEF.
      This is the value of the `#:init-keyword' keyword (
      init-keyword Slot Options.), or `#f' if the `#:init-keyword'
      keyword is absent.
  - procedure: slot-init-function class slot-name
      Return the initialization function for the slot named SLOT-NAME in
      class CLASS.  SLOT-NAME should be a symbol.
      The returned initialization function incorporates the effects of
      the standard `#:init-thunk', `#:init-form' and `#:init-value' slot
      options.  These initializations can be overridden by the
      `#:init-keyword' slot option or by a specialized `initialize'
      method, so, in general, the function returned by
      `slot-init-function' may be irrelevant.  For a fuller discussion,
      see  init-value Slot Options.
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