( Integer Import and Export

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 Integer Import and Export
 `mpz_t' variables can be converted to and from arbitrary words of binary
 data with the following functions.
  - Function: void mpz_import (mpz_t ROP, size_t COUNT, int ORDER, int
           SIZE, int ENDIAN, size_t NAILS, const void *OP)
      Set ROP from an array of word data at OP.
      The parameters specify the format of the data.  COUNT many words
      are read, each SIZE bytes.  ORDER can be 1 for most significant
      word first or -1 for least significant first.  Within each word
      ENDIAN can be 1 for most significant byte first, -1 for least
      significant first, or 0 for the native endianness of the host CPU.
      The most significant NAILS bits of each word are skipped, this
      can be 0 to use the full words.
      There is no sign taken from the data, ROP will simply be a positive
      integer.  An application can handle any sign itself, and apply it
      for instance with `mpz_neg'.
      There are no data alignment restrictions on OP, any address is
      Here's an example converting an array of `unsigned long' data, most
      significant element first, and host byte order within each value.
           unsigned long  a[20];
           mpz_t          z;
           mpz_import (z, 20, 1, sizeof(a[0]), 0, 0, a);
      This example assumes the full `sizeof' bytes are used for data in
      the given type, which is usually true, and certainly true for
      `unsigned long' everywhere we know of.  However on Cray vector
      systems it may be noted that `short' and `int' are always stored
      in 8 bytes (and with `sizeof' indicating that) but use only 32 or
      46 bits.  The NAILS feature can account for this, by passing for
      instance `8*sizeof(int)-INT_BIT'.
  - Function: void * mpz_export (void *ROP, size_t *COUNTP, int ORDER,
           int SIZE, int ENDIAN, size_t NAILS, mpz_t OP)
      Fill ROP with word data from OP.
      The parameters specify the format of the data produced.  Each word
      will be SIZE bytes and ORDER can be 1 for most significant word
      first or -1 for least significant first.  Within each word ENDIAN
      can be 1 for most significant byte first, -1 for least significant
      first, or 0 for the native endianness of the host CPU.  The most
      significant NAILS bits of each word are unused and set to zero,
      this can be 0 to produce full words.
      The number of words produced is written to `*COUNTP', or COUNTP
      can be `NULL' to discard the count.  ROP must have enough space
      for the data, or if ROP is `NULL' then a result array of the
      necessary size is allocated using the current GMP allocation
      function ( Custom Allocation).  In either case the return
      value is the destination used, either ROP or the allocated block.
      If OP is non-zero then the most significant word produced will be
      non-zero.  If OP is zero then the count returned will be zero and
      nothing written to ROP.  If ROP is `NULL' in this case, no block
      is allocated, just `NULL' is returned.
      The sign of OP is ignored, just the absolute value is exported.  An
      application can use `mpz_sgn' to get the sign and handle it as
      desired.  ( Integer Comparisons)
      There are no data alignment restrictions on ROP, any address is
      When an application is allocating space itself the required size
      can be determined with a calculation like the following.  Since
      `mpz_sizeinbase' always returns at least 1, `count' here will be
      at least one, which avoids any portability problems with
      `malloc(0)', though if `z' is zero no space at all is actually
      needed (or written).
           numb = 8*size - nail;
           count = (mpz_sizeinbase (z, 2) + numb-1) / numb;
           p = malloc (count * size);
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