( What is perfect weaving?

Info Catalog ( Weaving collisions ( Weaving algorithms ( Oversampling
 What makes a "perfect" weave?
    So what causes the perfect weave cases to be perfect, and the other
 cases not to be?  In all the perfect cases above, S and J are
 relatively prime (i.e. their greatest common divisor (GCD) is 1).  As
 we mentioned above, S=6 and J=4 have a common factor, which causes the
 overprinting.  Where S and J have a GCD of 1, they have no common
 factor other than 1 and, as a result, no overprinting occurs.  If S and
 J are not relatively prime, their common factor will cause overprinting.
    We can work out the greatest common divisor of a pair of natural
 numbers using Euler's algorithm:
    * Start with the two numbers:                        (e.g.)  9,  24
    * Swap them if necessary so that the larger one comes first: 24,   9
    * Subtract the second number from the first:                 15,   9
    * Repeat until the first number becomes smaller:              6,   9
    * Swap the numbers again, so the larger one comes first:      9,   6
    * Subtract again:                                             3,   6
    * Swap:                                                       6,   3
    * Subtract:                                                   3,   3
    * And again:                                                  0,   3
    * When one of the numbers becomes 0, the other number is the GCD of
      the two numbers you started with.
    These repeated subtractions can be done with C's `%' operator, so we
 can write this in C as follows:
      unsigned int
      gcd(unsigned int x, unsigned int y)
          if (y == 0)
              return x;
          while (x != 0) {
              if (y > x)
                  swap (&x, &y);
              x %= y;
          return y;
    `gcd(S,J)' will feature quite prominently in our weaving algorithm.
    If 0 <= j < J, there should only be a single pair (p, j) for any
 given row number.  If S and J are not relatively prime, this assumption
 breaks down.  (For conciseness, let G=GCD(S,J).)
 S=8,  J=6,  G=2:
      0 *-------*-------*-------*-------*-------*
      1       *-------*-------*-------*-------*-------*
      2             *-------*-------*-------*-------*-------*
      3                   *-------*-------*-------*-------*-------*
      4                         ^-------^-------^-------*-------*-------*
      5                               ^-------^-------^-------*-------*-------*
    In this case, jets 0, 1 and 2 of pass p+4 collide with jets 3, 4 and
 5 of pass p.
    How can we calculate these numbers?  Suppose we were to print using
 fewer jets, say J/G jets.  The greatest common divisor of J/G and S is
 1, enabling a perfect weave.  But to get a perfect weave, we also have
 to advance the paper by a factor of G less:
      0 *-------*-------*       -       -       -
      1    *-------*-------*       -       -       -
      2       *-------*-------*       -       -       -
      3          *-------*-------*       -       -       -
      4             *-------*-------*       -       -       -
      5                *-------*-------*       -       -       -
    If we left the paper advance alone, we'd get a sparse weave; only one
 row can be printed every G rows:
      0 *-------*-------*       -       -       -
      1       *-------*-------*       -       -       -
      2             *-------*-------*       -       -       -
      3                   *-------*-------*       -       -       -
      4                         *-------*-------*       -       -       -
      5                               *-------*-------*       -       -       -
                     ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
                    These rows need filling in.
    The rows that would have been printed by the jets we've now omitted
 (shown as `-') are printed by other jets on later passes.
    Let's analyse this.  Consider how a pass p could collide with pass
 0.  Pass p starts at offset p*J.  Pass 0 prints at rows which are
 multiples of S.  If p*J is exactly divisible by S, a collision has
 occurred, unless p*J >= J*S (which will happen when we finish a pass
    So, we want to find p and q such that p*J=q*S and p is minimised.
 Then p is the number of rows before a collision, and q is the number of
 jets in pass 0 which are not involved in the collision.  To do this, we
 find the lowest common multiple of J and S, which is L=J*S/G.  L/J is
 the number of rows before a collision, and L/S is the number of jets in
 the first pass not involved in the collision.
    Thus, we see that the first J/G rows printed by a given pass are not
 overprinted by any later pass.  However, the rest of the rows printed
 by pass p are overprinted by the first J-(J/G) jets of pass p+(S/G).
 We will use C to refer to S/G, the number of rows after which a
 collision occurs.
    Another example:
 S=6,  J=9,  G=3,  C=S/G=2:
      0 *-----*-----*-----*-----*-----*-----*-----*-----*
      1          *-----*-----*-----*-----*-----*-----*-----*-----*
      2                   ^-----^-----^-----^-----^-----^-----*-----*-----*
      3                            ^-----^-----^-----^-----^-----^-----*-----*-----*
      4                                     ^-----^-----^-----^-----^-----^-----*-----
      5                                              ^-----^-----^-----^-----^-----^--
               ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^
                    These rows need filling in.
 In this case, the first J-(J/G) = 9-9/3 = 6 jets of pass p+(6/3)=p+2
 collide with the last 6 jets of pass p.  Only one row in every G=2 rows
 is printed by this weave.
 S=9,  J=6,  G=3,  C=3:
      0 *--------*--------*--------*--------*--------*
      1       *--------*--------*--------*--------*--------*
      2             *--------*--------*--------*--------*--------*
      3                   ^--------^--------^--------^--------*--------*
      4                         ^--------^--------^--------^--------*--------*
      5                               ^--------^--------^--------^--------*--------*
 Here, the first J-(J/G) = 6-6/3 = 4 jets of pass p+(9/3)=p+3 collide
 with the last 4 jets of pass p.
    Note that, in these overprinting cases, only rows divisible by G are
 ever printed.  The other rows, those not divisible by G, are not
 touched by this weave.
    We can modify our weave pattern to avoid overprinting any rows and
 simultaneously fill in the missing rows.  Instead of using J alone to
 determine the start of each pass from the previous pass, we adjust the
 starting position of some passes.  As mentioned before, we will divide
 the page into pass blocks, with S passes in each block.  This ensures
 that the first jet of the first pass in a block prints the row which
 the Jth jet of the first pass of the previous block would have printed,
 if the print head had one extra jet.
    Looking back at an example of a perfect weave, we can divide it into
 pass blocks:
 S=7,  J=2,  G=1:
                      imaginary extra jet
      0 *------*      *      <--start of pass block 0
      1   *------*    |
      2     *------*  |
      3       *------*|
      4         *-----|*
      5           *---|--*
      6             *-|----*
      7               *------*  <--start of pass block 1
      8                 *------*
      9                   *------*
    We can now calculate the start of a given pass by reference to its
 pass block.  The first pass of pass block b always starts at row
 (b*S*J).  The start row of each of the other passes in the block are
 calculated using offsets from this row.
    For the example above, there are 7 passes in each pass block, and
 their offsets are 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12.  The next pass block is
 offset S*J=14 rows from the start of the current pass block.
    The simplest way to modify the "perfect" weave pattern to give a
 correct weave in cases where G!=1 is to simply change any offsets which
 would result in a collision, until the collision disappears.  Every
 printed row in the weave, as we have shown it up to now, is separated
 from each of its neighbouring printed rows by G blank rows.  We will
 add an extra offset to each colliding pass in such a way that we push
 the pass onto these otherwise blank rows.
    We have seen that, unless G=1, the plain weave pattern results in
 each pass colliding with the pass S/G passes before.  We will now
 subdivide our pass block into subblocks, each consisting of B=S/G
 passes.  There are therefore G subblocks in a pass block.
    For each subblock, the passes in that subblock have a constant offset
 added to them.  The offset is different for each subblock in a block.
 There are many ways we can choose the offsets, but the simplest is to
 make the offset equal to the subblock number (starting from 0).
    Thus, the passes in the first subblock in each pass block remain at
 the offsets we've already calculated from J.  The passes in the second
 subblock each have 1 added to their offset, the passes in the third
 subblock have 2 added, and so on.  Thus, the offset of pass p (numbered
 relative to the start of its pass block) is p*J + floor(p/B).
    This gives us a weave pattern looking like this:
 S=6,  J=9,  G=3,  B=2:
      0 *-----*-----*-----*-----*-----*-----*-----*-----*
      1 ^        *-----*-----*-----*-----*-----*-----*-----*-----*
      2 |              +-> *-----*-----*-----*-----*-----*-----*-----*-----*
      3 |              |            *-----*-----*-----*-----*-----*-----*-----*-----*
      4 |              |                  +-> *-----*-----*-----*-----*-----*-----*---
      5 |              |                  |            *-----*-----*-----*-----*-----*
      6 |              |                  |               +-> *-----*-----*-----*-----
      7 |              |                  |               |            *-----*-----*--
        |              |                  |             start of pass block 1
        |              |                  |             (offset returns to 0)
        |              |                  start of subblock 2 (offset 2 rows)
        |              start of subblock 1 (following passes offset by 1 row)
        start of passblock 0, subblock 0 (pass start calculated as p*J)
 S=9,  J=6,  G=3,  B=3:
      0 *--------*--------*--------*--------*--------*
      1       *--------*--------*--------*--------*--------*
      2             *--------*--------*--------*--------*--------*
      3                    *--------*--------*--------*--------*--------*
      4                          *--------*--------*--------*--------*--------*
      5                                *--------*--------*--------*--------*--------*
      6                                       *--------*--------*--------*--------*---
      7                                             *--------*--------*--------*------
      8                                                   *--------*--------*--------*
      9                                                       *--------*--------*-----
      10                                                  \---/     *--------*--------
      11                                               small offset       *--------*--
      12                                                                         *----
    This method of choosing offsets for subblocks can result in an
 occasional small offset (as shown above) between one pass and the next,
 particularly when G is large compared to J.  For example:
 S=8,  J=4,  G=4,  B=2:
      0 *-------*-------*-------*
      1     *-------*-------*-------*
      2          *-------*-------*-------*
      3              *-------*-------*-------*
      4                   *-------*-------*-------*
      5                       *-------*-------*-------*
      6                            *-------*-------*-------*
      7                                *-------*-------*-------*
      8                                 *-------*-------*-------*
      9                                \/   *-------*-------*-------*
                                    very small offset!
    We can plot the offset against the subblock number as follows:
      subblock number
      | offset
      | |
      | 0123
      0 *
      1  *
      2   *
      3    *
      0 *
      1  *
      2   *
      3    *
 The discontinuity in this plot results in the small offset between
    As we said at the beginning, we want the offsets from each pass to
 the next to be as similar as possible.  We can fix this by calculating
 the offset for a given subblock b as follows:
        offset(b) = 2*b             , if b < ceiling(G/2)
                  = 2*(G-b)-1       , otherwise
    We can visualise this as follows, for G=10:
      0 *
      1   *
      2     *
      3       *
      4         *
      5          *
      6        *
      7      *
      8    *
      9  *
      0 *
      1   *
      2     *
      3       *
      4         *
      5          *
      6        *
      7      *
      8    *
      9  *
 and for G=11:
       0 *
       1   *
       2     *
       3       *
       4         *
       5           *
       6          *
       7        *
       8      *
       9    *
      10  *
       0 *
       1   *
       2     *
       3       *
       4         *
       5           *
       6          *
       7        *
       8      *
       9    *
      10  *
 This gives a weave looking like this:
 S=12,  J=6,  G=6,  B=2:
      0 *-----------*-----------*-----------*-----------*-----------*
      1       *-----------*-----------*-----------*-----------*-----------*
      2               *-----------*-----------*-----------*-----------*-----------*
      3                     *-----------*-----------*-----------*-----------*---------
      4                             *-----------*-----------*-----------*-----------*-
      5                                   *-----------*-----------*-----------*-------
      6                                          *-----------*-----------*-----------*
      7                                                *-----------*-----------*------
      8                                                    *-----------*-----------*--
      9                                                          *-----------*--------
      10                                                             *-----------*----
      11                                                                   *----------
      12                                                                        *-----
    This method ensures that the offset between passes is always in the
 range [J-2,J+2].
    (This might seem odd, but it occurs to me that a good weave pattern
 might also make a good score for bell ringers.  When church bells are
 rung, a list of "changes" are used.  For example, if 8 bells are being
 used, they will, at first, be rung in order: 12345678.  If the first
 change is for bells 5 and 6, the bells will then be rung in the order
 12346578.  If the second change is 1 and 2, the next notes are 21346578.
 After a long list of changes, the order the bells are rung in can become
 quite complex.
    For a group of bell-ringers to change the order of the notes, they
 must each either delay their bell's next ring, hasten it, or keep it
 the same as the time it takes to ring all the bells once.  The length
 of time between each ring of a given bell can only be changed a little
 each time, though; with an ink-jet weave pattern, we want the same to
 apply to the distance between passes.)
    Finally, knowing the number of jets J and their separation S, we can
 calculate the starting row of any given pass p as follows:
      passesperblock = S
      passblock = floor(p / passesperblock)
      offsetinpassblock = p - passblock * passesperblock
      subblocksperblock = gcd(S, J)
      passespersubblock = S / subblocksperblock
      subpassblock = floor(offsetinpassblock / passespersubblock)
      if subpassblock < ceiling(subblocksperblock/2)
          subblockoffset = 2*subpassblock
          subblockoffset = 2*(subblocksperblock-subpassblock)-1
      startingrow = passblock * S * J + offsetinpassblock * J + subblockoffset
    We can simplify this down to the following:
      subblocksperblock = gcd(S, J)
      subpassblock = floor((p % S) * subblocksperblock / S)
      if subpassblock * 2 < subblocksperblock
          subblockoffset = 2*subpassblock
          subblockoffset = 2*(subblocksperblock-subpassblock)-1
      startingrow = p * J + subblockoffset
    So the row number of jet j of pass p is
      subblocksperblock = gcd(S, J)
          = 2*subpassblock       , if subpassblock * 2 < subblocksperblock
          = 2*(subblocksperblock-subpassblock)-1      , otherwise
            subpassblock = floor((p % S) * subblocksperblock / S)
      row(j, p) = p * J + subblockoffset(p) + j * S
    Together with the inequality 0 <= j < J, we can use this definition
 in reverse to calculate the pass number containing a given row, r.
 Working out the inverse definition involves a little guesswork, but one
 possible result is as follows.  Given a row, r, which is known to be
 the first row of a pass, we can calculate the pass number as follows:
      subblocksperblock = gcd(S, J)
      subblockoffset = r % subblocksperblock
      pass = (r - subblockoffset) / J
    If G==1, we can determine the pass number with this algorithm:
      offset = r % J
      pass = (r - offset) / J
      while (offset % S != 0)
        offset += J
      jet = offset / S
    Generalising, we come up with this algorithm.  Given r, S and J:
      G = gcd(S, J)
      passespersubblock = S/G
      subblockoffset = r % G
      subpassblock = subblockoffset / 2  , if subblockoffset % 2 == 0
                   = G - (subblockoffset+1)/2    , otherwise
      baserow = r - subblockoffset - (subpassblock * passespersubblock * J)
      offset = baserow % J
      pass = (baserow - offset) / J
      while (offset % S != 0)
        offset += J
        pass -= 1
      subblockretreat = floor(pass / passespersubblock) % G
      pass -= subblockretreat * passespersubblock
      pass += subpassblock * passespersubblock
      jet = (r - subblockoffset - pass * J) / S
    Let's look at some examples of imperfect but correct weave patterns:
 S=6,  J=4,  GCD=2,
      0 *-----*-----*-----*
      1     *-----*-----*-----*
      2         *-----*-----*-----*
      3              *-----*-----*-----*
      4                  *-----*-----*-----*
      5                      *-----*-----*-----*
      6                         *-----*-----*-----*
      7                             *-----*-----*-----*
      8                                 *-----*-----*-----*
      9                                      *-----*-----*-----*
      10                                         *-----*-----*-----*
      11                                             *-----*-----*-----*
      12                                                *-----*-----*-----*
      13                                                    *-----*-----*-----*
      14                                                        *-----*-----*-----*
      15                                                             *-----*-----*----
      16                                                                 *-----*-----*
      17                                                                     *-----*--
      18                                                                        *-----
      19                                                                            *-
 S=8,  J=6,  G=2,
      0 *-------*-------*-------*-------*-------*
      1       *-------*-------*-------*-------*-------*
      2             *-------*-------*-------*-------*-------*
      3                   *-------*-------*-------*-------*-------*
      4                          *-------*-------*-------*-------*-------*
      5                                *-------*-------*-------*-------*-------*
      6                                      *-------*-------*-------*-------*-------*
      7                                            *-------*-------*-------*-------*--
      8                                                 *-------*-------*-------*-----
      9                                                       *-------*-------*-------
      10                                                            *-------*-------*-
      11                                                                  *-------*---
      12                                                                         *----
 S=6,  J=12,  G=6,
      0 *-----*-----*-----*-----*-----*-----*-----*-----*-----*-----*-----*
      1               *-----*-----*-----*-----*-----*-----*-----*-----*-----*-----*---
      2                             *-----*-----*-----*-----*-----*-----*-----*-----*-
      3                                          *-----*-----*-----*-----*-----*-----*
      4                                                    *-----*-----*-----*-----*--
      5                                                              *-----*-----*----
      6                                                                         *-----
    We have now solved the basic weaving problem.  There are two further
 refinements we need to consider: oversampling, and filling in the
 missing rows at the start of the weave.
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