( Is backing up a big deal?

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 Is backing up a big deal?
      To: Adoram Rogel <>
      Subject: Re: Flex 2.5.2 performance questions
      In-reply-to: Your message of Thu, 19 Sep 96 10:16:04 EDT.
      Date: Thu, 19 Sep 96 09:58:00 PDT
      From: Vern Paxson <vern>
      > a lot about the backing up problem.
      > I believe that there lies my biggest problem, and I'll try to improve
      > it.
      Since you have variable trailing context, this is a bigger performance
      problem.  Fixing it is usually easier than fixing backing up, which in a
      complicated scanner (yours seems to fit the bill) can be extremely
      difficult to do correctly.
      You also don't mention what flags you are using for your scanner.
      -f makes a large speed difference, and -Cfe buys you nearly as much
      speed but the resulting scanner is considerably smaller.
      > I have an | operator in {and} and in {pats} so both of them are variable
      > length.
      -p should have reported this.
      > Is changing one of them to fixed-length is enough ?
      > Is it possible to change the 32,000 states limit ?
      Yes.  I've appended instructions on how.  Before you make this change,
      though, you should think about whether there are ways to fundamentally
      simplify your scanner - those are certainly preferable!
      To increase the 32K limit (on a machine with 32 bit integers), you increase
      the magnitude of the following in flexdef.h:
      #define JAMSTATE -32766 /* marks a reference to the state that always jams */
      #define MAXIMUM_MNS 31999
      #define BAD_SUBSCRIPT -32767
      #define MAX_SHORT 32700
      Adding a 0 or two after each should do the trick.
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