( A Note About yytext And Memory

Info Catalog ( Overriding The Default Memory Management ( Memory Management
 21.3 A Note About yytext And Memory
 When flex finds a match, `yytext' points to the first character of the
 match in the input buffer. The string itself is part of the input
 buffer, and is _NOT_ allocated separately. The value of yytext will be
 overwritten the next time yylex() is called. In short, the value of
 yytext is only valid from within the matched rule's action.
    Often, you want the value of yytext to persist for later processing,
 i.e., by a parser with non-zero lookahead. In order to preserve yytext,
 you will have to copy it with strdup() or a similar function. But this
 introduces some headache because your parser is now responsible for
 freeing the copy of yytext. If you use a yacc or bison parser,
 (commonly used with flex), you will discover that the error recovery
 mechanisms can cause memory to be leaked.
    To prevent memory leaks from strdup'd yytext, you will have to track
 the memory somehow. Our experience has shown that a garbage collection
 mechanism or a pooled memory mechanism will save you a lot of grief
 when writing parsers.
Info Catalog ( Overriding The Default Memory Management ( Memory Management
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