( Watches

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 10.6 Mechanisms to track who is editing files
 For many groups, use of CVS in its default mode is perfectly
 satisfactory.  Users may sometimes go to check in a modification only
 to find that another modification has intervened, but they deal with it
 and proceed with their check in.  Other groups prefer to be able to
 know who is editing what files, so that if two people try to edit the
 same file they can choose to talk about who is doing what when rather
 than be surprised at check in time.  The features in this section allow
 such coordination, while retaining the ability of two developers to
 edit the same file at the same time.
    For maximum benefit developers should use `cvs edit' (not `chmod')
 to make files read-write to edit them, and `cvs release' (not `rm') to
 discard a working directory which is no longer in use, but CVS is not
 able to enforce this behavior.
    If a development team wants stronger enforcement of watches and all
 team members are using a CVS client version 1.12.10 or greater to
 access a CVS server version 1.12.10 or greater, they can enable
 advisory locks.  To enable advisory locks, have all developers put
 "edit -c" and "commit -c" into all .cvsrc files, and make files default
 to read only by turning on watches or putting "cvs -r" into all .cvsrc
 files.  This prevents multiple people from editting a file at the same
 time (unless explicitly overriden with `-f').


* Setting a watch             Telling CVS to watch certain files
* Getting Notified            Telling CVS to notify you
* Editing files               How to edit a file which is being watched
* Watch information           Information about who is watching and editing
* Watches Compatibility       Watches interact poorly with CVS 1.6 or earlier
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